Coconut jam is always my favorite dish in every Tet holiday. It is hard to resist the sweet and fatty taste of coconut, wanting more pieces in one piece. For several years in a foreign country, I missed the coconut jam but could not find delicious copra to make the first Tet after a few years away from the country, I had to make up for it.

Making coconut jam - like many other jams - is not difficult. However, the novice, inexperienced may encounter some problems such as broken, broken, not long coconut fiber. Or the slug is too hot to make jam or sugar turn brown or the sugar won't curl. Or watery jam after slug. All of these problems can be solved in just "half a note", as long as you read carefully the instructions below. Wish you have a delicious coconut jam box to treat this Tet holiday


500 grams of copra
250 grams of white sugar


1. Copra can be bought in markets, so choose young coconut, and jam will be softer. Use a knife to scrape the coconut into long thin fibers or long round fibers as you like.

2. Put the coconuts in a large bowl or bowl, rinse with clean water to cover them, use your hands to cover them evenly. This step will help remove the coconut oil. After a few puffs, the water will appear cloudy, the coconut oil itself. Pour this water away, change to new water and repeat until the water is clear, the coconut fiber feels no greasy, slippery (out of coconut oil). If the coconut oil does not come off all the time, when it slugs, this coconut oil will make it difficult for the sugar to cling to the coconut fibers, making the jam wet.

3. Pour into the basket, shock the coconut to drain. Let the coconut dry for 10 minutes. Should be allowed to dry naturally, because if using absorbent paper or towel, the coconut fiber is easily broken.

4. Put the coconut in a large saucepan or deep pan. Add sugar to the ratio of sugar = 50 - 60% of coconut. If you are new to it, you can give it 70% of the sugar of coconut. More jam sugar will be more successful (we will remove the sugar from the jam when the slug is finished so the jam will not be too sweet, even if you add a lot of sugar). However, when there is more sugar, the jam is also drier and less greasy and fatty than the coconut.

Should use white diameter, do not use other sugars such as powdered sugar or brown sugar, jam will be difficult to crystallize sugar, difficult to dry or lose white color, natural aroma.

5. Grasp the handle of the pot gently to mix the sugar with the coconut. Do not use chopsticks because it will easily break the coconut fibers. Marinate the sugar for 1-3 hours until the sugar has dissolved. Stir occasionally to make the sugar evenly melt and the coconut soaked in the sugar.

If you want the jam to taste coffee, green tea, passion fruit ... or dye coconut with pea flower, red aromatic flowers ... then you can add the juice of these flavors to marinate with sugar and coconut. Note the amount of liquid is not too much (should be less than 10% of the sugar), otherwise the sugar slug will easily burn into caramel. With this recipe, using 250 g of sugar, the amount of liquid is only up to 20-25 ml (about 1.5 tablespoons of pho). To do that, the coffee water and flower teas should be very thick. Juices such as passion fruit, if there is a flavoring extract or thick syrup, it will be better because if the juice is too sour, the sugar will be difficult to crystallize.

6. After the sugar has dissolved, place the pot on the stove on medium high heat to evaporate the water and thicken the sugar. In this process, absolutely do not stir because if the coconut is not absorbed by the sugar, it will easily break.

7. Lower heat gradually as the sugar thickens. The more the water evaporates, the thicker the sugar, the lower the fire.

8. When the sugar is very thick, in the pot there are small bubbles of sugar bubbles, reduce to the minimum heat level and start gently stirring, about every 2-3 minutes coconut island to absorb the sugar evenly.


* To prevent the coconut from breaking, it should not be turned upside down, but you can use the following way: Hold the chopsticks straight, press the chopsticks close or close to the pot, the tip of the chopsticks touch the bottom of the pot. Keep the tip of the chopsticks at the bottom of the pot and run the wand in a circle around the bottom of the pot. The other hand holds the handle of the pot, or you can tilt the pot a little for easy stirring. When mixed like that, the coconut will stick into a block in the middle and continue to infuse sugar.

9. Slug for a while on low heat so that the sugar water continues to dry up more. Check the sugar from time to time by the following: Fold the ends of the chopsticks together, and dip them in any place with a lot of sugar in the pan. Lift it up and gently separate the two chopsticks. If the sugar at the tip of the chopsticks can be pulled into a thread as thin as a thread, not easily broken, leave it for 1-2 minutes and then turn off the heat.

The more sugar silk, the better the sugar is. Note that the pot is still very wet at this point. We only leave the pot on the stove until this stage and the need to go down, if it is longer, the oil from the jam will make it difficult to dry or the sugar will burn and turn into caramel.

10. After turning off the heat, remove the pot from the stove (it is still wet). Continue using the chopsticks in a circular motion as described in step (8). After a few minutes the sugar will dry on its own and begin to crystallize. Now use the chopsticks to gently remove the jam fibers and then stir again so that the sugar sticks evenly on all the jam fibers. Continue stirring until the sugar is completely dry and crystallized, forming a fine white powder around the jam fibers. The jam is dry and hard, the excess sugar in the pot is tiny, not crumbled.

11. Leave the jam in the pot to let it dry completely. Do not take out jam too soon, lack of sugar jam will quickly runny. When the jam is completely dry and cool, then shake off the sugar and put it in a bag or sealed box, so there should be a desiccant bag. Store in a cool place, can be used for 3 - 4 weeks.

Hong Truc Coconut Jam - Ben Tre

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