How to make five-color coconut jam | Hong Truc
Currently, many women choose to make their own delicious and cheap fruit jams, ensuring food hygiene and safety while bringing Tet atmosphere to their families.

New Year's Day is approaching, right now you can start making delicious, easy-to-make jams with ingredients that are easy to find.

Five-color coconut jam is a jam that is quite easy to make, eye-catching colors made from natural ingredients that do not adversely affect your health, so many women choose to make.

Please refer to some more dishes on Tet:

Mứt dừa Hồng Trúc

Hong Truc coconut jam:

1. Ingredients for making coconut jam:

  • 1kg copra
  • 500g of white sugar
  • 150g sticky leaves
  • 150g amethyst leaves (or replace with purple cabbage)
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 large bunch of amaranth
  • 1 pack of instant coffee

2. Tools to make five-color coconut jam:

  • Thick saucepan or saucepan
  • Scraper knife
  • Chopsticks
  • Shaping mold

3. How to choose delicious coconut as jam:
How to choose coconuts for scraping

You should choose coconut cake (not too young, not too old) with moderate hardness and toughness suitable for making coconut fiber jam. To choose a delicious, satisfying coconut you can try the following: Coconut cake after being separated from the hard shell will have a pale color (not dark brown), you can nail it.

How to choose young coconut to make coconut jam
Should choose young coconut, the rice is a bit thicker, when making jam, it will taste better.

4. Steps to make colorful coconut jam:


Cùi dừa Nạo dừa

How to make coconut fiber jam
Coconut scraping

Peel off the brown bark of the fruit, cut the coconut in half. Using curettage, curl the circle of the coconut to create long, thin coconuts.

Wash the copra

Rửa cùi dừa


Wash the scraped copra with clean water several times until the water is no longer cloudy, then take it out and let it drain.

Grind the carrots

Carrots, sticky leaves washed, chopped to separate each type. Use a blender, puree each and filter the water.

Xay cà rốt


Red amaranth, washed mint leaves to separate each type. Put a large bowl of water in a pot to boil each type and filter out the pulp (you can replace the red amaranth with ripe Gac to create a red color for the jam: Squeeze the Gac meat with about half a small cup of wine, squeeze out the seeds, mix more a bowl of water and then filter the water Gac).

Color the coconut

Tạo màu cho dừa


Divide the drained copra into 5 parts, put 4 parts in the prepared vegetable water bowls and soak for about 4 hours to give the coconut color. The rest of the coffee browns, you leave it alone.

After about 4 hours, you drain the water in the four parts you are soaking away, leaving only a small cup of water for each color.

Trộn đường

Mứt dừa màu xanh

Mứt dừa màu đỏ Mứt dừa màu cam


Mứt dừa màu nâu


Mix sugar with Green Coconut Jam
Red coconut jam Orange coconut jam
Brown coconut jam

Mix coconut with sugar, wait until sugar is dissolved (about 2 hours, or you can leave it overnight). At this point, you mix sugar, one pack of coffee in the remaining coconut to infuse the coconut sugar and create brown color. Sugar-soaked coconuts become clear, then put each part of coconut and sugar water into a thick pan to slug.

Xào đường


Sauteed sugar

Simmer, stirring occasionally until the water is gone, pour in a cup of colored water according to the respective coconut color and continue to cook. At this time, you need to stir constantly and evenly until the water is empty, the sugar starts to coagulate, then lower the heat to the smallest level, avoid too much island causing the coconut jam to break. After about 10 minutes, the sugar has crystallized, the coconut fibers have dried and separated, do not stick together, then turn off the heat.

Mứt dừa


Coconut jam

Pour coconut jam on the dry tray, wait until the jam is cool, put it in a bag or sealed box to preserve.

How to make delicious, supple coconut jam


Tạo hình

Young coconut remove the brown film and cut it into small pieces or cut into 4 parts and then use the mold to shape flowers, stars, hearts, ...

The next steps you will take are the same as for making coconut fiber jam.

Young coconut jam

Mứt dừa non


You have a beautiful, delicious and hygienic five-color coconut jam to enjoy during the Tet holiday. Good luck.

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