05/08/2020 | 1484

Currently, many women choose to make their own delicious and cheap fruit jam, ensure quality and ensure their health while bringing Tet atmosphere to their family. The following article will guide you how to make five-color coconut jam to make the coconut jam more colorful and eye-catching.


Currently, many women choose to make their own delicious and cheap fruit jams, ensuring quality and ensuring their health while bringing Tet atmosphere to their families.

Tet is coming, right now, women can start making delicious and easy-to-make jams with friendly and easy-to-find natural ingredients.

Five-color-fiber young coconut jam is an easy-to-make, eye-catching color made from fuel materials that does not affect health, so many women choose to make.

Young coconut jam with five colors

1. Ingredients for making young coconut jam

  • 1kg of young coconut
  • 500g of white sugar
  • 150g green tea
  • 150g butterfly pea flower
  • 1 rim
  • 1 cam leaf
  • 1 pack of chocolate powder

2. Tools to make young five-color coconut jam

  • Sinus or thick sole pan
  • Coconut knife
  • Chopsticks
  • Mold shaped coconut jam


3. How to choose delicious coconut to make coconut jam to make jam

How to choose young coconut for grating

You should choose coconuts that are not too young, not too old with moderate hardness and toughness suitable for making coconut fiber jam. To choose a satisfying young coconut, you can try the following: Young coconut, after being separated from the hard shell, will have a pale color (not dark brown), you can nail it.

How to choose young coconut to make coconut jam
Should choose the kind of young coconut, the rice is a bit thicker, when making jam, it will be more delicious.

4. Steps to make colorful coconut jam

How to make coconut fiber jam


                           mứt dừa hồng trúc Bến Tre 

             Young coconut rice

Remove the brown bark of the fruit and cut the coconut in half. Using curettage, curl the circle of the coconut to create thin slices of coconut.

Mứt dừa Hồng Trúc 11

Thin slices of coconut 

Wash the leaves to separate each type. Put a large bowl of water in a pot to boil each type separately and filter out the residue

Màu Các Loại Mứt


Divide the drained copra into parts, place the portions into the prepared vegetable water bowls and soak for about 4 hours to give the coconut color. The rest of the coffee brown color, you leave it alone.

After about 4 hours, you drain the water in the four parts you are soaking away, leaving only a small cup of water for each color.


Mix copra with sugar, wait until sugar is dissolved (about 1 hour 30 minutes, or you can leave overnight). At this point, you mix sugar, one packet of coffee in the remaining coconut to infuse the coconut sugar and brown. Sugar-soaked coconuts become clear, then put each part of coconut and sugar water into a thick pan to slug.

Dừa Đã Ngâm Nước Đường

Coconuts Soaked In Sugar Water


Cook in low heat, stirring about 1 minute until the water is dry, pour in a cup of colored water according to each coconut color and continue to cook. You need to stir constantly and evenly until the water is clear, the sugar starts to evaporate, then lower the heat to a minimum. After about 7 minutes, the sugar has crystallized all, the coconut fibers have dried and separated, do not stick together, then turn off the heat.

Completed Coconut Jam

Pour coconut jam on the tray to dry, wait until jam is cooled, put in a bag or packaging or storage box.

As if you have finished the SINGLE COCONUT MELEE, it is eye-catching and fragrant, right?

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