How to make coconut jam - Hong Truc coconut jam

30/10/2020 | 524

Young coconut jam is an indispensable dish in the traditional Tet holiday of Vietnam and is loved by many people, including adults or children. At home to ensure hygiene and safety with a simple way of introduction will be introduced below. Quickly join the kitchen to learn how to make delicious coconut jam at home right now!

Young coconut jam is an indispensable dish in the traditional Tet holiday of Vietnam and is loved by many people, including adults or children.

You can prepare this coconut jam at home by yourself to ensure safety with a simple way of introduction below. Quickly join the kitchen to learn how to make delicious young coconut jam at home right now!

young coconut jam

Young Coconut Jam

Materials required for making coconut jam at home include:

  • 1kg of young coconut rice
  • 500 grams of sugar
  • 200ml of pasteurized fresh milk with sugar

How to make delicious young coconut jam at home is as follows:
-The young coconut you bought to buy, you wash, cut off the brown outer shell, cut into strands (if you cut into pieces, the jam time will be slightly longer than the shredded coconut).

young coconut jam

Get Coconut Rice 

-Step 1: Take the sliced coconuts and wash them with water to remove the coconut oil until the coconut is soaked in water to see that the water is still clear, not cloudy.

-Step 2: Pre-boil a pot of water, add coconut to blanch quickly for about 1 minute. Then you pour the coconut into the basket to drain.

-Step 3: Put white sugar and sweetened fresh milk into coconut fiber to marinate the coconut, then put the marinated coconut in the pan, simmer the milk to warm, stir to dissolve the sugar. Next, add the coconut in a saucepan over medium heat, sometimes using chopsticks to stir.

young coconut jam

Cut the coconut jam into string

-Step 4: When the sugar is empty, lower the heat to a minimum, while using the chopsticks to stir constantly to let the crystalline sugar stick to each jam.

young coconut jam

Slug with Coconut Jam

- When you see the sugar has crystallized into the white powdered sugar crust sticking around the jam fiber, continue to stir for about 10 to 15 minutes. If you bite it, the inside of the coconut jam appears dry and supple.

-Step 5: Pour young coconut jam on a plate to cool, when the jam has cooled, put it in a vacuum bag or put it in a clean, boiled jar, let it dry, cover tightly and use gradually.

young coconut jam

Finished Non-Wire Coconut Jam


- You must choose the type of coconut that drinks with the pulp, the pulp is relatively thick, choose the type of coconut that is a bit young, if the coconut is no longer young, you can replace it with the coconut cake, but should only scrap 1/2 of copra. inside, the outside can be used as coconut milk.

- You can go buy coconuts that are pre-peeled or buy coconuts to separate the shells yourself, but in this way, the coconut shells will be quite hard, need experience in separating coconuts to avoid broken coconut pieces.

The way to make delicious coconut fiber at the restaurant is very delicious, the taste is also fragrant and has a more natural smell, not inferior to the types of coconut jam sold on sale. out of line

Good luck.

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